Note to Readers: Inability to manage stress coupled with lack of physical activity or exercise is a recipe for disaster.  Chronic stress has been tied to an increase in appetite. Eating has become a stress reducing activity for many children. Stress releases cortisol which contributes to increased cravings of high-carbohydrate foods. A stress, weight gain, eating cycle begins. Luckily there is a solution! Thanks to Jeff for sharing his expertise.

By Jeff Wise

There is no doubt that kids exercise is one way to lower stress in kids.  Northwestern Health Sciences University did the research and that’s what they discovered.

It is also known that childhood obesity can cause a lot of stress for kids as well as parents.  Let me share with you what I’ve found and then let’s talk about how we can fix the issue.

Childhood obesity is outrageous right now. The obesity rate in American children ages 6-11 years in 1980 was 6.5%. That rate in 2008 tripled to 19.6%! For children between the ages of 12 and 19, the rate jumped from 5% to 18.1% in that same 28-year time frame.

Does your child fit in this category? Or perhaps your child isn’t obese, but they could lose a few pounds. Maybe your child is thin as a rail but you know they eat poorly and exercise little. No matter your situation, I’m sure you’ve noticed a bit of stress lately.

You see, many kids who are obese are often teased and ridiculed at school, the store and sometimes even in their own home.  The child has the potential to lose self worth and then the problem may compound as they look for something to make them feel better.

We don’t want to put anybody in that situation, but now you can see where the stress is coming from.  Combine this with a society whose television and movies send a message that you’re only beautiful if you are thin.

I’ve seen both obese and ultra thin children be unhealthy at the same time.  There is sure-fire proof to get your kids on the right track to a healthier lifestyle despite this issue. 
Our kids flat out have to eat healthier.  Every time we turn around there’s a sugary or fattening temptation for our children. Lollipops are handed out at banks, nurseries and day cares give processed snacks loaded with terrible ingredients, grocery stores offer free cookies, and fast food restaurants lure children with toys.

We as parents need to provide healthier foods for our kids.  It starts with us.  We have to be willing to eat healthy too.  We can’t eat a pizza and expect our kids to eat their broccoli.

The next biggie is kids exercise.  I know so many families whose kids sit around all day in front of the TV, computer and video game systems.  Even on weekends, families sort of lay around the house most of the day.

Kids exercise has many benefits including controlling weight, reducing blood pressure, lowering the risk of diabetes and some kinds of cancer, and improving psychological well-being, including gaining more confidence.

Those are just a few examples!  The best part is that you don’t have to be bored!  There are literally hundreds of fun family fitness activities you can participate in each and every day.  Kids can ride bikes, play ball, go to the park and even go swimming.  Many kids exercise activities don’t require any extra money or time.  Most of the activities I’ve researched are so fun that children don’t even know they’re getting exercise.

Let’s do our kids a favor by loving them.  Love them so much that you start buying healthier foods and plan fun family activities that will keep them moving.  Child obesity and the stress it causes can be alleviated.

Remember that the reason to learn about child obesity is to give you skills and knowledge necessary to help your children become the healthiest people they can be. Download a free report with tips and instructions you need to get started quickly by visiting Kids Exercise and learn how to have fun while playing exercise games. For more tips follow Jeff on Twitter.

Indigo Dreams: Garden of Wellness CD Helps Children Reduce Stress While Encouraging Healthy Eating. Storytelling format makes it fun for children to learn this important message. Positive body image is supported with positive statements.

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