

Self-confidence is a desirable characteristic. It enables people to make decisions, take risks, and be their own advocates. A lack of self-confidence can restrict people from achieving their goals. Is there such a thing as too much self-confidence? How do we know when self-confidence has become arrogance? In this blog post, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of having too much self-confidence. We will also discuss how to maintain healthy levels of self-confidence in order to achieve success both professionally and personally.

Children are born confident — or not. Some research suggests that confidence is genetic, that children are born predisposed to be self-confident or timid. Luckily, just because it’s in their genes doesn’t mean it’s fixed. We can help our kids to be surer of themselves.

We all want a self-confident child. But can we get too much of a good thing?

Yes, you can have too much of a good thing. A vicious circle can grow if confidence gets out of balance.

Overconfidence can reduce social acceptance. Who wants to hang out with a “know it all”? However, the child may never recognise it because an overconfident child misjudges her abilities.

Rearing confident children without pushing them into overconfidence is a tricky balance. You have to be honest and give constructive feedback when your child does not excel at something.

Hello, Earth calling. How to bring an overconfident child back to a healthy confidence level?

• Make your child aware they are not listening. You could say: “I need you to turn your listening ears on. I’m explaining something to you, and we learn better when we listen.”

• Explain to your child the 4 steps of learning. Say, “We learn by listening, watching, trying and asking questions.”

• Allow your child to have an opinion. Teaching your child to listen doesn’t mean that they have to agree with everyone’s opinion. Tell your child: “It is OK to disagree, but first we need to listen, watch, try and if after that we think we have a better way to do something we can explain our point of view. Listening to what others have to say might help you come up with an even better idea.”

• Explain to your child that nobody knows it all. Research shows that curious children learn faster; but they can’t be curious if they feel like they know it all. Say: “Nobody knows everything. I don’t know everything, dad doesn’t know everything, not even grandpa who knows a lot, knows everything. We are constantly learning, and if you act curious, we can learn something new every day.”

You can use the Superpower Kids My STEPS to Learning printable to keep your child’s mind open to learning.

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