October 25, 2009 Review from Mommies with Cents

According to Anxiety Disorders Association America and American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorder facing children today and 70% of school age children say that they worry. Lori Lite has created a line of books and CD’s to help teach children how to cope with relaxation and stress management techniques. Lori is the Atlanta mom and entrepreneur who was recently on ABC’s national TV show Shark Tank. (See her video on YouTube here.)

mommies-with-centsI received Affirmation Weaver (book) and Indigo Ocean Dreams (CD) for this review. The book was beautifully illustrated and unique. It was written to help children achieve self-esteem. The story is about a dolphin who is sad because he doesn’t jump as high as the other dolphins. A Sea Child (mermaid) comes along and with the help of her sea creature friends, help the dolphin feel good about himself with sayings like “I believe in myself” and “I can do it”. I, of course, thought the message of the story was great and my son enjoyed all of the different sea creatures. Anything that helps instill positive messages in my children’s lives gets a thumbs up in my book!

The CD is a collection of four stories including The Affirmation Weaver read aloud. The narration is accompanied by calming sounds of dolphins, sea otters and gentle waves. An additional music sound track is also included. Since this CD is geared for children age 6-12 and since my son is only 2 it didn’t hold his interest at all. I think it is a great tool for the right age group though. In fact, I think that I could benefit from it myself! Books retail for $14.95 and CD’s for $15.95. For more information about Stress Free Kids and to make a purchase, visit their website at www.stressfreekids.com

Mommies with Cents was created by two mommies that love to bargain shop and save money. The two met in San Antonio, TX in 2007. They were both new to the area- brought there by their husband’s jobs. Their little ones brought them together and they hit it off as friends and decided to start this blog For more information on Mommies with Cents

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