Helping Families Through Stress Free Kids and Indigo Dreams Series

Written by Andrea Coventry – Featured Arts & Entertainment Contributor Associated Content

Lori Lite is the creator of the Stress Free series for kids. I requested the books Sea Otter Cove and Bubble Riding to review on my children’s book reviewing blog. Both books teach ways to promote children relaxing. Sea Otter Cove teaches children about relaxation breathing. Bubble Riding focuses on the power of color.

Lori Lite has also worked on numerous other titles and products that are designed to help children and families to be stress-free. Here, she discusses her Stress Free Kids and Indigo Dreams series for children and adults.

children relaxing 
How did you get involved in writing children’s books?

I was a new mom raising young children. My son was sick all of the time and he was hyperactive. It took me 2 hours every single night to get him to go to sleep. The stress was taking a toll on my entire family. My husband and I were fighting about who was going to put our son to bed, and my daughter developed stress related night terrors.. I actually became very sick from the stress. One day while visiting my parents in New York, my Aunt arranged an appointment for me to see a stress consultant. That appointment changed my life. I learned to do 2 very simple relaxation techniques that had an immediate effect on me. One night while putting my son to sleep I wondered what would happen if I could get him to use the same techniques. I began to create a story for him that was entertaining, but also incorporated a stress management technique. He followed the characters along and he actually fell asleep! My husband was listening from the hallway. When I came out of his room, he told me how great he thought the story was and that I needed to write it down. He knew that my stories could help thousands of other parents and children. From there an entire business has been inspired and I have spent the last 10 years sharing how to teach kids to relax.  I now have a line of 8 books, 6 CDs, and 2 curriculums.

Tell us about the Stress Free Kids and Indigo Dreams Series.

Stress Free Kids is all about relaxing families. I empower parents, educators and psychologists with a line of books, CDs and curriculums that help children manage anxiety, stress and anger while promoting self-esteem and a more peaceful sleep. The Indigo Dreams Series has 3 CDs for children which present research-based, stress management techniques in a storytelling format. I also have Indigo Teen Dreams and Indigo Dreams: Adult Relaxation. These CDs present the same techniques but in a guided instructional format. All of the CDs also have a music sound track.

What titles are currently available?

Books: Angry Octopus- Sea Otter Cove- Bubble Riding- Affirmation Weaver, A Boy and a Bear, The Goodnight Caterpillar- A Boy and a Turtle, Affirmation Web

CDs: Indigo Dreams- Indigo Ocean Dreams- Indigo Dreams: Garden of Wellness- Indigo Teen

Dreams- Indigo Dreams: Adult Relaxation

Curriculum: Children’s Stress Awareness Curriculum- Children’s Wellness Curriculum

Are future projects in the works?

We are working on having my titles available for digital download and talks are underway to have them available in sign language.

How are these series beneficial to the family as a whole?

Stress is contagious and so is calm. One stressed out family member effects the whole family. One calm family member can send a ripple of calm throughout the family. Some reports state that 60-90% of all visits to the doctor are stress related. Children that use relaxation techniques on a regular basis can experience higher test scores and greater attendance records.

How do they help anxiety, stress, anger, depressions, insomnia, panic disorders, ADHD, pain & trauma, night terrors, hyperactivity, autism, OCD, low self esteem, and promote wellness?

There are studies that show that implementing relaxation techniques can impact all of the above. The techniques I present have been used by psychologists, cognitive behavior therapists, occupational therapists, doctors, teachers, and yoga instructors. They include; diaphragmatic breathing, affirmations/positive statements, visualizing, progressive muscle relaxation.

How can parents use these books with kids?

Parents love the Indigo Dreams CD series for bedtime. Many parents read one of the books to relax their child then turn the CD on and let them fall asleep to an actual relaxation technique. Parents use the books during a stressful or angry moment ie homework. Affirmation Weaver is used to promote self- esteem and self- belief. Many parents use the books in the car.

How can educators use these books?

Educators use the books before tests, transitions, or anytime they want the children to be calm. Younger grades use them for nap time. Some educators incorporate my curriculum into their lessons.

Who else benefits from using them?

Everyone and anyone can benefit from having stress management integrated into their their lives. We all admit that we live stressful lives so it is time to find ways to manage the stress.

What was the inspiration behind the series?

My own children are my inspiration. I wanted to be able to communicate these feel good techniques to them in a non-threatening way. I wanted to entertain them yet teach them.

Why did you choose the ocean?

My first 4 books are a land theme but I knew I would go ocean when I could. I was raised on the ocean and have many memories of barefoot summers looking for jellyfish.

Sea Otter Cove is about belly breathing, What is belly breathing?

Belly breathing is a lot easier for kids to say and understand than diaghpramatic breathing. When you breathe for relaxation your belly rises and falls like a little balloon.

Bubble Riding is about the power of colors. How else can children harness the power of color?

Children love rainbows and colors. Children can choose a color that makes them feel happy or calm. They can think of it throughout the day whenever they feel nervous, tense or frightened.

Which ones are your favorites?

I love all of my books equally. When you create something so personal from your heart, it is impossible to choose favorites.

What kind of research supports the techniques introduced within these series?

Thankfully, The Harvard Mind, Body, Medical Institute, The American Psychology Association, and the National Association of Cognitive Behavior Therapist are but a few of the organizations that have gone to great lengths to collect data on these techniques.

Where can readers get more information?

My website is Borders now has my titles nationwide.

How can readers contact you?

Best place is through my website or [email protected]

Is there anything else you would like to share?

If you demonstrate relaxation and positive statements in your parenting routine your children will follow. Schedule downtime, watch what your children are being exposed to on TV, give them boundaries. Handle situations calmly and give your children the tools to counteract stress, anger, and anxiety. I believe that children can be active participants in creating their own peaceful, calm, healthy lives.

Lori Lite is the creator of Stress Free Kids – – a line of books, CDs and curriculums designed to help children manage anxiety, stress, and anger while promoting self-esteem and peaceful sleep. Three of her eight books are – Angry Octopus, Affirmation Weaver and Sea Otter Cove. Her Indigo Dreams CD series, including Indigo Teen Dreams are available at Borders bookstores, nationwide. Her books are also used by Psychologists, Teachers, Therapists and Doctors around the country to deal with child anxiety and stress issues, as well as a Children’s Wellness and Stress Awareness Curriculum for educators and parents.

Written by Andrea Coventry – Featured Arts & Entertainment Contributor

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