How to Deal with Swearing

How to Deal with Swearing

Kids swearing is something that all parents have to deal with at one point or another. While it can be difficult to know how to handle the situation, there are a few things that you can do to make sure your child understands why their language is inappropriate and help them stop swearing in the future. In this blog post, we will discuss some methods that parents can use when confronted with kids swearing. We will also provide some tips for preventing kids from swearing in the first place.

How to Deal with Swearing

It can be quite a shock when you first hear your child swear. You might be wondering where your child learned that kind of language – and whether he understands what he’s saying. How you react to your child’s swearing will influence his future swearing behaviour.

Staying calm is the key, and it goes a long way towards preventing further swearing.

If it’s the first time your child used a swear word ignoring it might be all you need.

If your child continues to swear, you could use it as an opportunity to teach about feelings and ways to communicate feelings.

You could try to reinforce that all FEELINGS are OK, but not all behaviours are acceptable.

When he swears at home, keep calm and explain to him, using words he can understand, that you accept what he is feeling, but not what he is saying.

What Should You Say

You could say something like this:

“{Your son’s name}, I can see you are feeling (angry, frustrated, disappointed) right now, and that is OK. We all have BIG feelings, and it can be hard to control our actions when we have these feelings. But what you just said is not kind (and you are a kind boy). Do you think we can choose kinder words to let others know what you are feeling?

What about…

I FEEL (name the feeling he is experiencing) right now because (reason from his perspective).”

You could also practice self-control strategies such as mindful breathing while he is calm, so he has the option to use the strategy when he needs it. Before bed is a great time to practice because it helps the brain to calm and relax.

You can use the Mindful Breath printable to help your child regulate feelings.

Although swearing is common in our society, it’s important to teach children how to deal with their emotions in a healthy way. Work on your child’s emotional control by teaching them about self-control and positive coping mechanisms. If you need help getting started, check out our Self-control Guide for more information. Remember, it takes time and practice to build these skills, but it will be worth it in the long run!

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