By Marianella Alvarado-Michel B.S., ICADC, ICCDP Addiction Counselor

“73% of teenagers reported that school stress was the primary reason for drug use.  This study clearly tells us that kids in America do not know how to deal with stress and that they are self-medicating by getting involved in substances and addictive behaviors.”

Addictions in general and substance abuse are not only about not being able to say no; instead they are much more complex issues in which kids do not know how to deal with the emotions induced by stress and daily life issues.  The reason kids do not have this ability is not because they are not capable, it is because they have not been taught how to deal with the stresses of life.

drug free teenagers

Many times as parents we think that our kids will never be affected by stress and that we will be able to protect them, but the reality is that we are not constantly with them and we cannot protect them all the time.  Our only option is to give them the tools deal with stress more effectively.

In my nine years of experience working with adolescents and adults with addictions, I have seen over and over again how individuals’ inability to handle the stress of childhood takes its toll. After individuals have been affected by addiction, they need to go back and learn appropriate ways of facing stress. But the effects are lasting.  I am a great believer that if these adolescents and adults are given the tools early on in childhood, they will not be dealing with addictions later in life.  I know many of you may be thinking, “Well, addiction is not only about stress, what about genetics!!!” Yes, addiction has to do with genetics.  It is also a bio-psycho-social issue.  Stress adversely heightens psychological and social problems, whereby all three are interconnected.

In a study published August 4, 2008 by the Partnership for a Drug Free America, 73% of teenagers reported that school stress was the primary reason for drug use.  The same study indicated that parents often minimize the negative impact that stress can have on their children’s life and their decision to use substances.  This study clearly tells us that kids in America do not know how to deal with stress and that they are self-medicating by getting involved in substances and addictive behaviors.

A different study published in 2009 by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) stated that 47% of the United States population ages 12 and over reports having used an illicit drug at least once in their lifetime. This also tells us that a high percentage of children (age 12) are beginning to experiment with substances. These kids self-medicate to numb the stressful emotions of being bullied at school, having busy schedules, family conflicts, experiencing relationship stress, coping with learning disabilities such as ADD and ADHD, and even undetected and untreated mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, Trauma, Abuse, etc.

I feel that it is our responsibility as parents to teach our children effective techniques that help them manage all these issues more appropriately. For this reason, I, as a mother of a child who is anxious, and as an addiction counselor, would like to thank Lori Lite.  Her creative idea helps our children deal with stress more effectively through her wonderful children books and CD’s.  I have adopted Lori’s curriculum in my own work in the community and with my clients as a prevention program to decrease stress and the possibility of potential future addicts.  Thanks Lori for your amazing contribution!

Marianella Alvarado-Michel B.S., CADC, ICADC, CCDP 
Therapist ,Quality of Life Care Center


Teens can learn additional techniques to manage stress, anxiety and create a peaceful night’s sleep all available on the Indigo Teen Dreams CD  and Indigo Dreams: Teen Relaxation Music CD.


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